look at these beautiful people ;) |
What a whirl wind. I never thought in a few months I could learn so much, laugh so much and be so inspired. I learnt so much from such amazing teachers, and such great classmates. They made me laugh so hard, had my back on tough days, and inspired me everyday to be more creative and try harder at everything.
My life has changed so much. Before summer ended, I was working two jobs and living with my disabled dad and grandma out of the city. I moved in with them when I was 18 to help them out, and they helped me out too.
Moving in with them, I had to give up a lot. It was really hard giving up being selfish. My friends would go out; while I spent my time either working, doing the shopping and the laundry, cutting grass and doing outdoor stuff, and just spending time with my dad and grandma. At first I was upset, and jealous of my friends, but after time it didn't matter if I missed a party.
There is a sense of urgency having a sick dad. It makes you think different about a relationship that most people get to treat a little more nonchalantly. When he right pisses me off, I kind of got to step back and get over it quick.
I did though, think I forgot about myself. Sure I was saving up money, but where was my life going. I had people telling me I have to think about myself, but that can be a difficult thing to do.
After thinking long and hard, I applied to CreComm, just in case there was a chance that this is my true path. If it's supposed to, it'll happen. CreComm has changed so much of my life. I haven't been so wrapped up in myself for a long time. I moved in with my mom so I wouldn't have to drive half an hour to school, pay for parking.
CreComm has been insane. Even though we groan at home work, the projects we get are so fun. I'm most proud of my improving writing skills. I started off getting 5 and 5.5 as I hadn't even wrote in so long, and I'm happy to say I ended up even having a few 8's in my back pocket. When I was younger I would have slapped together my projects, and have probably been late a hundred times. But spending that time with my dad, and my grandma gave me more perspective. CreComm is my chance (and everyone's chance) to make things right for myself, and take care of my life first. naturally good things will flourish with trying to be better.
Wow CreComm:
-First bomber game (sad, but true story)
-First Election night (actually pretty exciting) (plus I actually understood what was going down in politics :O)
-Used actual film equipment
-Used actual radio equipment
-Wrote tv and radio ads
-Made a twitter... And Blogged
-8 am due dates, when your at the forum till 10, and that's what your assignments on
-Two hour blog classes (yes this is my school)
-Eating waaay too much Tim Hortins
So here's to first semester, and I'll keep you updated if I try anything new over the holidays. I will be doing ALOT of baking for Christmas so I'll post my favourite things to bake.
And please post some comments of your favourite recipes for baking. :)