Thursday, 5 January 2012

Fav Picky Eater

My favourite picky eater has to be Sheldon Cooper from the Big Band Theory. He forces his firends to order only certian foods from certain restaurants on certain nights. He the only person who could actually force his pickiness onto others. Not only does he make being picky hilarious, he makes me feel not so bad about bugging the McDonalds people for no ketchup extra ketchup. Or no tomatoes on my wrap from Timmys. Or how I won't allow certain foods to touch.

In this clip Sheldon and Penny are in a feud and she gets back at him by making him think something could be wrong with his burger.

Sheldon Cooper is a whole other world of picky. Every thursday (or maybe friday) is pizza and retro game night that must only be ordered only from a certain restaurant. In this clip, Leneords new girl firend is a lawyer and finds loop holes in Sheldons roomm mate agreement so the firends can order greek food on Sheldon's pizza night.


  1. I've been pleasantly surprised by how long this show has lasted - I didn't think Americans would buy it. But I'm glad they do!

  2. I asked myself the same question a couple days ago. I think that Sheldon really carries the show, though. He's fantastic!

  3. He is, but I think Howard is just as hilarious.

  4. Thanks for the comments guys. :)
    I'm so happy it's getting so popular too, I really didn't think it would last long. And I saw on a interview the Howard character said Howard said dresses like a retarded gap kid hahaha!

  5. I'll admit, I actually really, really dislike the show. But I DO like how you worked the show into your blog, so I'll give it cred for that ;)

  6. Thanks girl! Maybe I can find some more picky eaters on other shows too.
