Friday 9 March 2012

Kenora Cuisine

The annual Manitoba Travel travel assignment was a great opportunity to get some good stories, photos and of course content for this fantastic blog. I travelled to Kenora for the first time ever with two lovely ladies, Jacky and Lindsay.

We arrived Monday night, starving, around 7:30ish. We drove around to find somewhere interesting and local to eat, but we ended up at Casey's which is a chain restaurant. Our eyes were definitely bigger than our mouths that night as we ordered wings to start before each of our different kind of stir frys arrived. We had peri peri and apple BBQ wings. I'm usually not a wing eater because it's just way to much effort but they were pretty good. I loved the apple BBQ, but the peri peri was way to spicy for my wimpish self. It also had a hint lemon which I was not a fan of.

I ordered cashew chicken stir fry, which was amazing. Some of the veggies should have been cut up smaller to eat it better, and I had to search for the chicken, but the proportions were just divine. The sauce and spice were just perfect, and we ended getting two meals out of each of our stir frys as there was just so much.

The best part about Casey's was the boozy drinks. We all had X-rated lemonade, followed by a white grape punch. The lemonade one was to dye for! (note: exclamation point, I mean it.) It had real, and very fresh, strawberries and you couldn't even taste the vodka. We all sipped it so slowly it was so good. We ordered the second drink mostly because it came in a fish bowl like glass.

Casey's filled us up until bedtime, but when morning came we thought we should try to eat at one of the local treasures. After visiting city hall to find out what we could about Kenora, we headed to the suggested Greek restaurant called Plaza. It turns out we all had the Greek salad pita with chicken (Jacky was the only one who had it with olives). It was so delicious. The proportions were really good, and the chicken had so much flavour. It was probably marinated. I am really glad though that I didn't ask for the soup the other girls had as an appetizer. It was a lemon soup, which I knew I wouldn't like, but I had a little taste of it anyway. It tasted like a chicken soup with lots of lemon and some cream. I was not a fan but the other girls said they liked it and would have it again, even though they said it was quite strong.

I think we had more treats than we had actual food. Before saying goodbye to Kenora we stopped at the Nibbler's Nook and stocked up on some really unique treats. We each got a half pound of fudge and few other interesting finds including Lindsay's Kaluha coffee.

Kenora definitely has some food highlights that I would love to go back and investigate.   

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